Monday, January 15, 2007


This is one of my favourite class considering to my background which is nothing. Means that I don't event know how to scretch a line.... Today, I'm not really good for that but I'm pretty happy to be able to scretch compared to my previous scretches. So take a look!!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tugas Karya

Below you'll find some of my pieces. They are pretty simple actually cos I was not allowed to do some bit complicated technique. This is just to know how to cut, solder and refine.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


This is bit difficult for me and I know that I won't get good mark from ornamen. I kbnow exactly that this is very important for a craftsmen so I've been trying to love this you see the results are not really satiisfied..

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Setelah beberapa bulan kuliah di ISI, ada beberapa yang aku dapat. Contohnya ini nih..Nirmana, yamg aku pikir penting banget buat dasar seni rupa. Bukan hanya mencampur warna tapi yang lebih penting lagi menjinakkan warna dengan beberapa teori yang sudah ada. So take a look at my nirmanas...eventhough it's not really good but I'm glad to learn it.